If you’ve never been to Nantucket’s Annual Town Meeting or you have, and it just confuses and frustrates you, this podcast is for you. We will talk about what is good about ATM and what is, maybe, not so good. Plus we cover a few things you can do to prepare for ATM — the town meeting cheat codes, if you will. This year, ATM is on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:00 PM in the Nantucket High School Mary P. Walker Auditorium.
Please participate!
Show links:
This year’s warrant: https://nantucket-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/47399/2024-Annual-Town-Meeting-Warrant-with-Finance-Committee-Motions-PDF
Traditions and Procedures for Annual Town Meeting: https://www.nantucket-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/623/Traditions-and-Procedures-for-Annual-Town-Meeting-from-Town-Moderator-Sarah-Alger-PDF