An update on our first white paper: A feasibility study of establishing a water testing lab on Nantucket.

This week, we will publish our first white paper. Stay tuned.

We are very close to publishing our white paper on an island-based water lab. Here are some interesting tidbits that you will read in the final report. We plan to do a video overview and also hope to have a video round-table discussion at some point.

Interesting findings from our first white paper:

  1. We currently spend an estimated $270,000 on shipping water samples to and from off-island labs.
  2. It is estimated that the 1,000+ man-hours goes into the handling, packaging and transportation of water samples to and from the boat.
  3. The biggest sticking point to building a new lab is the difficulty of hiring lab technicians and a lab director and providing them with housing.
  4. The number of tests that the island does is close to 20,000 samples. But the most surprising number is the number of samples we cannot do. For example, we only sample a handful of the scallop beds and beaches.

We are on schedule to publish late this week, so please watch social media.

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